Friday, December 24, 2010

Do u smoke Cigar? Now you can wear it!

Here's something that could trick you to smoke a whole lot more ;) Before we get into the details, here's an overview of the Cigar Chomping population of the world.

  • An estimated 4.5 – 5.6 trillion cigarettes end up in the environment every year
  • 1.35 trillion: cigarettes made in the U.S. in 2007
  • 360 billion: cigarettes consumed in the U.S. of the 1.35 trillion
  • 9 trillion: expected consumption of cigarettes by 202

 Now, Government & Eco organizations around the world are working on a way to start Cigar-butt recycle program, but Alexandra Guerrero, A chile fashion designer has come up with a nouvelle idea of using these cigar-butts to make a whole new range of fashion garments! 
 Check them out!

It seems each of her Mantis series of garments contain 10% purified butts & 90% of natural sheep wool. You can visit her blog page here.


  1. oh nice.. but i guess thou they used purified butts these clothes may stink wit Cig :)
