Monday, September 6, 2010

Enthiran : Robot : Hit or a Miss

Will it be a Hit or a Miss?!
Most awaited Tamil movie of the year 2010, Robot [Enthiran] starring Superstar Rajini Kanth and Super sensual Mrs.Aishwarya Abishek Bacchan...Will Robo-da' live up to expectations?

Enthiran - The Robot,a Tamil Futuristic Science-Fiction movie, acclaimed as most expensive Asian film ever, directed by S.Shankar, scored by Music Maestro A.R.Rahman is set to release Worldwide on september 24th of 2010. The producers promise to have the most grandest launch event ever for an Indian movie, as evident, the Internet is already flooding with hoards of Enthiran's flyers, news updates, clippings, and fanbase chitters that add to the masti!

Boy, I sure am thrilled like the rest of the common folks, but, the underlying residue of my geekdom and the desire to question everything that exists, I was tempted to critique the now Boss of Indian Cinema! Time and again, Indian Cinemas have been criticized by our Western counterparts that concepts and technology used in our movies are simply put, Sucks...But a little brink of hope, keeps us going and makes us wonder if Enthiran will be that one Film that surpasses the curse.

Background Check:
The story goes like this. An Indian Robotics Engineer [Rajini] presumably creates the world's most advanced Android "Chitti" [I donno why the heck would they choose Chitti for a name]  who is powered by an amazingly advanced configuration?? "speed one Tera-hertz, memory one zeta- byte, Intel Pentium ultra core millennia V2, FHP 450 motor from Hirata, Japan". All that neatly packed into a body leaner than the Terminator V2. That sure sounds Jaw dropping! I like! :)

The Robo Chitti is devoid of all emotions and strictly follows Issac Asimov's 3 laws of robotics, i.e

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

No, I did not make that up, that law exists and is the basis of all robots. Due to a twist in tale, Dr.Vasi, re-programs Chitti with an "Advanced" AI software that gifts any robot,true Human Emotions! Chitti, now full Human by emotion, finds love, now, the plot is, what constructive or destructive effect this emotion will have on Chitti, Dr.Vasi's creation...

I came across a few trailers, some official, some fan made. The official trailer of the movie is below, feel free to take a peak.

The Critique:
1. The trailer shows Chitti's robotic framework to be very similar to I-Robot (2004) Will Smith's movie. Thats just my opinion.

2. The plot of adding a "Human emotion" to a robot, where to understand love, the fight for love, loosely seems to resemble Artificial Intelligence A.I (2001) movie. Then again, its just my opinion ;)

3. Aishwarya in certain scene looks too much of Anime' (screenshots below)

4. Frankly, only 1/3rd of songs in the movie appeals...Maybe, a well choreographed dance sequence could counterbalance when the movie launches.

What I loved in the preview:

1. The Costumes and the makeup
The costume and the makeup simply look dashing! The superstar has been totally revamped bringing back the charm, and a little more of cool factor to the action hero. And Aishwarya has been undeniably given the best makeup that truly highlights her beauty. Aishwarya's makeup seems to have been adopted from Anime' style dressups, see a sample below. Though, explicitly, it suits her the best!

The Anime girl's makeup

2. The action sequence where the Hero drifts in his car to break a road block.

3. The refresh room scene where, Chitti, scrolls through tens of funky hairstyles looking at the mirror. 

4. The Sets 

The studio sets boasts of wow-ness!

Though I am yet to find any technical flaws or goof-ups in the movie, one may do so only when the movie is released, as the trailer simply didn't show off much dialogues. Though I am still unsure if they announced Chitti's memory as "1 zeta or 1 Giga", because if its 1 Giga, i am gonna laugh aloud at the theatre because anyone worth his salt knows 1GB of memory will severely bottleneck the entire system!

But i sure wish there wouldn't be any as I am a big fan of the Superstar myself! Peter Hein seems to have choreographed action sequence so be sure to see some Hollywood style fight sequences. And I am looking forward for originality in the movie with loads of technical competence, simply because of the hype its been creating and the rakes of money that has went in to the production.

A hit or a miss, unwinds on sept. 24th. With Less than 18 days to go, Countdown starts!! 

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