Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A safer windows home PC


     You had probably heard or read about Microsoft's "My safe Pc" campaign announced in mid april 2010? It aims to provide basic home users a safer and a more stress free enjoyable computing experience.
Just for the records, here's what CERT says:

Facts on Online threats

  • In March 2010 alone, 900 Indian portals have been defaced
  • 3286 Indian websites hacked in 5 months, Jan – June 2009
  • $10mil losses reported through Phishing incidents from Apr- Dec 2008

*Source: CERT–In 

Of course most of us advanced users have enough experience to be aware of all malicious activities going on in the online world and are able to safe guard ourselves optimally. But its often the home users that seem to fall prey to untold number of virus infections, hacked accounts and more. Microsoft has taken one small step to provide a little more safeguard to such users. 

Here's what Microsoft quotes:
. The campaign is focused on providing a suite of free and comprehensive cutting-edge software - Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) + Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) + Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) through channels easily accessible to consumers, and is aimed at ensuring a safe and secure computing experience for PC consumers across India.

You could get my safe PC cds as supplement from leading technology magazines or maybe download your copy here at  http://wlplanet.com/mysafepc/

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