Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 1 of a mighty long journey

Hey all,
     Today, I had a lot of stuff running through my mind. One of those which urged me to create a blog page which I sheepishly swear I will update it regularly to woo in readers ;)
So here it is, a blog with a pretty basic template and only ONE post. Since i didn't want this blog to be specifically tied up with one static topic, i've decided that I should write about a whole range of topics, categorizing them sequentially, of course!!  In case you happen to read this "Intro" post of mine, please do leave a feedback/comment/critique so I may improve, in-turn I'll get to know what you really want.
And yes, this blog would host topics like technology, tutorials, Must read news from the internet, hot finds as  starters.

Actually, I created this blog account in dec 2007 :p But rarely posted anything coz of my busy academic  schedule...yes India is strict in studies :( (lame excuse..? )

Finally, I will strive to keep this blog as exciting as the name "Superexcitinglyamazingblog" ;) and the road to a long journey begins tonight. Cheers!!


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